When education lasts a lifetime
When education lasts a lifetime


When education lasts a lifetime

Today, the concept of education has taken on a new meaning  – we have to learn constantly, because the reality that surrounds us is constantly changing.

Learning is a fascinating phenomenon, perhaps even crucial in our lives. Children put a lot of enthusiasm into it. Their curiosity and determination in this process are inspiring – despite failures and setbacks, they keep on trying until they master the skills they desire. Knowledge about the world is a bottomless well from which the young mind can draw 

again and again. But what if we look at life as a continuous learning process that does not end at a certain age?It is estimated that in the next 20-25 years, more than half of existing professions will disappear as a result of technological changes, and 65% of children currently entering the education system will work in professions that do not exist yet [1]. Among adults, including seniors, there is more and more change in industry, entrepreneurship, and the desire to acquire new skills. Therefore, education no longer applies only to the young. Lifelong learning has become a veritable necessity. Being flexible and adapting quickly to change is crucial. That is why it's so important that modern education keeps pace with social change and that the current education systems sufficiently support us in gaining knowledge, drawing on innovative methods and solutions.The exhibition "When education lasts a lifetime" presents projects that cut against the grain of traditional models of knowledge transfer. They precipitate changes in the educational solutions adopted so far, propose new forms of learning and teaching, and open our eyes to initiatives adapted to the very real social changes taking place all around us.

Contemporary education faces new challenges in the years ahead. Therefore, teaching must increasingly encompass, for example, the skillful use of data, searching for and verifying information, caring about sustainable development, technological skills and much more. In order to meet the needs of and integrate future and present generations, it is also important to recognize the value of soft skills. Building knowledge about mindfulness of our own emotions, teamwork, communication, intercultural awareness and inclusivity is extremely valuable. If we are to evolve as a society, our education needs to evolve with us. It must prepare us, young and old, for a future in which we can prosper.

[1] World Economic Forum, The Future of Jobs Report 2020, 2020


New forms of learning

When learning can happen everywhere.

Exempt from Theory

social action

When competencies are more important than assessments.

Traditional methods of assessment in school often overlook the actual skills needed in the labor market. Zwolnieni z Teorii (Exempt from Theory) is a project aimed at creating an alternative method to acquire additional skills helpful in finding a job or getting into college. Instead of rewarding only theoretical knowledge, crucial is engagement and practical problem solving. Students under the supervision of a mentor create a socially engaged project, document the creation process and implement it in real life. Thanks to this, both young people and  society benefit. The following activities have already been introduced as part of the program: campaigns for young people, activities for the protection of bees, programming workshops for children and more.


The School in the Cloud


When we learn online.

Szkoła w chmurze (The School in the Cloud) is an online learning environment, designed to match the current needs of students. In 2020 we realized how important well designed online education systems are, going further than only bringing traditional school to the Internet. During this period, remote learning and a stark change in the way we passed on knowledge had a big negative impact on students, teachers and parents. The school offers qualitative education "tailored to the 21st century". Thestudent focuses on what he or she is most interested in, works in a team and develops skills instead of simply acquiring knowledge. Its activities are not limited only to virtual ones. The activities of the platform focus primarily on providing a good learning space for young people. Therefore,as part of their work, a physical space for joint learning and a program for home education have been created.


The Purpose Engine



When teachers themselves need education.

Teachers, by passing on knowledge and influencing entire generations of students, often do not themselves get appropriate motivation and support from the system. The Purpose Engine is designed to foster diversity in teaching. Research shows that students learn better when their school authorities come from similar backgrounds and have different skin tones. Despite this, non-whiteeducators still constitute only 40% of all teachers, while non-white students arein schools as much as 86%. The project supports and encourages teachers from the BIPOC community to pursue careers in education. Through a variety of tools, it helps them find an implement a plan to achieve their professional goals. It shows that education is not only about teaching in the classroom, but also a wide range of professions requiring different abilities.

*BIPOC— Black, Indigenous, People of Color


Learning through nature

When nature becomes an integral part of learning.

A series of educational books


pracownia k.

When we learn in a family circle.

Pracownia k. is a couple of architects who combine architectural knowledge with educational activities and a love of nature. In addition to designing natural playgrounds, designers create a publishing house that publishes books on bringing up children close to nature. Anna Jodełka's book "Forest Workshops" is a collection of inspiring ideas for activities in the bosom of nature. Another of their works is a book called "Wild Tales" by Aneta Chmielińska, a collection of nature tales, created in such a way as to encourage people to read them aloud in a family circle. The latest book project of the studio concerns family education and how to use parents' professional activities or passions for their children's development. The authors suggest that the youngest accompany their parents in their everyday life and watch them work. They give insights into how to use this to stimulate their development, education and establish a better relationship.




Natalia Gajo / Zuzanna Walkiewicz

When playing in the forest teaches new skills.

Skills such as creativity, teamwork, and communication are perceived as crucial for the development of the society of the future. Opniaki is a forest playground that supplements these abilities in the educational system through unrestricted play. The project is dedicated especially to camps, but it can be adapted to any activities with a tutor. It consists of multifunctional elements that are attached to tree trunks. Parts of the setcan perform different functions – so how they are used in the space is up to the children themselves. The project is not a traditional toy – and builds on the possibilities offered by spending time in the forest. The main idea of the project is that play should be free and not limited by imposed measures, with the added value of familiarizing children with nature.


Ucime se venku

educational tools

When education is closer to nature.

What if we could take the classroom to the forest? Contact with nature from an early age helps children to develop observation skills, creativity and has a positive effect on their health. Ucime se venku (we learn outdoors) is a series of educational materials based on contact with nature and the use of its elements in the teaching process. DIY instructions can be downloaded from the platform, so the classes can be carried out anywhere using the available resources. The use of leaves, stones or sticks as teaching aids stimulates the senses and activates manual memory, better for making those lessons stick. Projects can be used for home schooling or as a complement to traditional forms of learning. Thanks to the interweaving of scientific issues and physical activity in the forest, education resembles play, which makes children more willing to participate in activities and build bonds with teachers.

*Stephen Crain, Nature, nurture and universal grammar, 2001


Learning empathy

When learning empathy is key.



Einav Ben Asher

When we want to build a society that is sensitive to otherness.

Being able to listen to the needs of others or to see someone else's perspective is also a skill which requires learning. We often tend to be strongly polarized. What if instead of building divisions – black/white, good/bad, we/they, we start teaching children that the world is more complex and has many shades. The ANOMALS project is a series of mascots in which each of them has a distinctive anatomical feature. Conventional dolls often show an idealized image that does not reflect reality. Shaping acceptance from an early age will allow us to create a society that is more inclusive and integrated. A deer with one horn, a dog without a paw, or an owl without an eye not only familiarize children with otherness but also teach sensitivity and give a voice to people with disabilities.


Good relationship in group

workshops and educational tools

Bożena Andrzejewska

When we build good social relationships.

More and more often, modern education, in addition to classical scientific disciplines, involves making room for educating young people in social skills. The Dobra relacja w Grupie (Good Relationship in the Group) project aims to strengthen communication and integration with other people. Bożena Andrzejewska's original methods consist of many segments and are constantly being developed. Thanks to the workshops, students gain a range of soft skills, making it easier for them to communicate with people. Training for teachers focuses, among other things, on topics such as being a better mentor, fighting stereotypes towards young people, or integrating with a group of children from immigrant families. Tools – a Process Game and Communication Totems – help to understand issues related to working in a group through play. All elements are united by the idea of connecting teams and awareness of group processes.




Gabriel Fontana

When sport supports diversity.

Sport can be a source of integration, it promotes self-confidence and builds soft skills. However, it can also create complexes, conflicts and divisions. Gabriel Fontana decided to redesign standard PE to emphasize its positive effect and rediscover the role of sport in modern society. Multiform is a ball game in which, at the blow of the referee's whistle, teams change along with each player's role in it. Dark blue jerseys become light blue, white ones change to dark blue – this causes a change of roles and a change in interactions with competitors. Participants learn to deal with a new perspective and composition of the team. The game contributes to connectivity through joint physical activity and promotes a debate about diversity in the education system. It allows you to better identify your own strengths and even the odds between teams.


Learning the new technological age

When we learn programming early on.

Fact-Checking Academy

social action

Stowarzyszenie Demagog

When it is difficult to distinguish truth from false on the Internet.

The Internet provides us with extensive access to information, but often there is so much of it that it is difficult to tell what is true and what is false. Even so, education to recognize and combat fake news is rare. The Fact-Checking Academy was established in response to this problem. This is an educational project of the Demagog Association addressed to pupils, students, teachers, educators, seniors, and business. Using many years of experience in data verification, the association conducts workshops and webinars, during which it explains how to search and check information, evaluate the credibility of sources, use useful online tools, and fight fake news. The game they created – Fajnie że wiesz (Cool That You Know) – allows you to test your knowledge on false information.




Felix Mollinga

When our digital data is at risk.

The Internet provides us with extensive access to information, but often there is so much of it that it is difficult to tell what is true and what is false. Even so, education to recognize and combat fake news is rare. The Fact-Checking Academy was established in response to this problem. This is an educational project of the Demagog Association addressed to pupils, students, teachers, educators, seniors, and business. Using many years of experience in data verification, the association conducts workshops and webinars, during which it explains how to search and check information, evaluate the credibility of sources, use useful online tools, and fight fake news. The game they created – Fajnie że wiesz (Cool That You Know) – allows you to test your knowledge on false information.


Learning about the future

When we need to learn how to design the future.


social action

UN Global Compact Network Poland, WWF Polska, Młodzieżowy Strajk Klimatyczny, Polski Klub Ekologiczny Okręg Mazowiecki, IKEA Retail Polska, Onet.pl

When it's time to say “yes” to climate education!

Climate change is no longer just a 'potential' threat, but has a direct impact on the lives of humans and ecosystems. It is one of the most important challenges of our time. According to the UN, education about climate change is one of the key elements of the global response to climate change. The aim of the campaign "YES! "for climate education” is to draw attention to the role and the need to conduct reliable climate education in schools-based on scientific data and implemented within the applicable disciplines. A petition is available on the site Edukacjaklimatyczna.com, thanks to which thousands of people in Polandwill be able to express their support for this initiative.


FutureS Thinking Cards



When we want to prepare for the future.

Is it possible to prepare for the future today? Can we learn how to predict the future? Although we are not able to predict everything, by looking for signs of change and recognizing the needs of society, we can become at least a little familiar with the unknown. FutureS Thinking Cards is a set of cards designed on the basis of many years of experience in consulting regarding innovation and the future. The set consists of 3 decks with different functions. Areas of changes – stimulate the imagination, expand the perspective, Signals of change are clues that tell us what the future may look like, while Disruption are shock cards that inspire dystopian visions. The game allows businesses and organizations to prepare for the unexpected and helps build strong response scenarios and strategies.


Google Heritage on Edge

educational platform

Google/ CyArk / ICOMOS

When the future of our cultural heritage is at stake.

Discourse on the climate crisis rarely touches on the fact that not only will natural ecosystems be affected, but it will also cause significant damage to our cultural heritage. The Google Heritage on the Edge website is an educational project showing the impact of the climate catastrophe on cultural sites, using the example of 5 monuments from different parts of the world. By means of 3D visualizations, films and interviews with scientists and historians, we can get to know both the history and the foreseeable future of these cultural objects. Access to a database of scientific materials in the form of free downloadable lessons allows teachers and educators to use them during classes. In addition, thanks to open access to the data, users can create their own projects to monitor climate change and protect cultural objects in their regions.


Lifelong learning

When education lasts a lifetime.

Design your worklife


Bill Burnett / Dave Evans

When a career change becomes the norm.

Until 100 years ago, a child born in a family of shoemakers was bound to be a shoemaker himself all his life. Today, changing careers or industries,even several times, is no longer surprising. Given that 400-800 million employees are likely to need retraining by 2030 *, such a career path is likely for all of us. The aim of the book by Stanford University professors -Bill Burnett and Dave Evans is to familiarize the reader with changes and to develop skills that allow them to flexibly move around the labor market. The authors show how to effectively use experience during career transformations. They argue that it is the tools used by designers, such as the constant reformulation of questions, or storytelling, that can be the answer to this upcoming professional evolution.

* McKinsey Global Institute, Report Jobs lost, jobs gained: What the future of work will mean for jobs, skills, and wages, 2017


The Couple's Workbook


School of life

When love is a skill that needs to be constantly improved.

Love is not only an emotion, but also a skill that we should constantly improve. The Couple's Workbook is a workbook for couples to help build a long-term relationship. The book rejects the myth that love "happens'', arguing that it is hard work and a continuous learning process. The subjects tackled involve topics such as trust, patience, and forgiveness, which are often difficult to follow through in everyday life, but form the basis of creating meaningful communication in a relationship. Often presented in a humorous way, the tasks therein expand people's horizons for experiencing and talking about common emotions.


Seniors in Action

social action

Towarzystwo Inicjatyw Twórczych “Ę”

When learning lasts a lifetime.

People who have been active and entrepreneurial throughout their lives naturally look for new spaces for self-fulfillment after retiring. In the lives of many people, it is only then that there is a clear need and time to do something for yourself and your community. Towarzystwo Inicjatyw Twórczych “Ę” (Society of Creative Initiatives) is trying to support the activation of the elderly through projects of the “Seniors in Action” program. Thanks to this initiative, numerous meetings, art classes, discussion groups and trips are held. One of the activities carried out all over Poland are "Seniors on the Web". During the lesson, they learn the basics of computer skills and issues related to Internet activity. They learn what fake news is, how to create a strong login password, or how to deal with online hate.


Open cards



When we want to communicate better.

In 2021, as many as 86% of corporate directors, managers and employees indicated a lack of communication as the main source of failure at work*. Open Cards is a learning tool to build understanding and engagement with online and offline teams. The cards contain slogans and sentences taken from office life. Depending on the type of game and needs, they can be used to start a conversation and then analyze the content and reflect on it. Thanks to the game, colleagues manage to resolve conflicts more easily, transfer information more effectively and motivate employees better. The kit can be used physically or online, which is especially valuable in building an understanding when working remotely.

* Expert Market, Report Communication in the Workplace Statistics for 2021, 2021
